Social Media & Blogging

How to Find Your Blog Post Writing Style (and Why it Matters for Bloggers)

How to Find Your Blog Post Writing Style (and Why it Matters for Bloggers)

I’m an LA-based online business educator for influencers who are ready to grow smart, profitable businesses that no 9-to-5 could ever compete with. 


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If you can establish a clear, identifiable, and binge-able writing voice – you’ve got a golden blog that’ll attract and retain your target audience. That’s because finding your blog post writing style is crucial to standing out and remaining memorable.

To be honest, having confidence in your voice as a blogger is one of the biggest obstacles that keeps new bloggers in analysis paralysis.

So without further ado, here’s how to find your blog post writing style (and why it matters for bloggers).

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What is a writing style and why is it important for bloggers | How to Find Your Blog Post Writing Style (and Why it Matters for Bloggers)

Finding Your Blog Post Writing Style as a Blogger in 2023

Voice, tone, and ultimately – style, are incredibly important elements of blogging. Not only do they communicate your personality and vibes to your readers, but these elements also add to your overall personal brand.

How many times have you taken a text message out of context? Maybe the lack of exclamation marks came off as angry and cold… but in reality, it’s just the sender’s writing style?

When you write a blog post, you want to communicate everything as clearly as possible – that includes your personality, demeanor, and personal brand.

To help you find your blog post writing style and writing voice, let’s begin with understanding what a writing voice is and why it’s important.

Christina | How to Find Your Blog Post Writing Style (and Why it Matters for Bloggers)

What is a Writing Style and Why is it Important for Bloggers?

The writing style of your blog is the doorway to your personality, style, and the point of view you hold in your industry. 

Your writing style influences and informs your sentence structure, blog format, and overall tone.

For example, the style of my blog is casual, friendly, and authoritative. Because I’m as online educator, I want to deliver value and advice to help you accomplish your goals. 

However, instead of approaching you (my reader) in a purely instructional manner, my personality is a little less serious and definitely more casual, which is why my blogging voice is more conversational and approachable.

How to find your writing style as a blogger

How to Find Your Writing Style as a Blogger

The first step to finding your writing style as a blogger is to understand clearly who your target audience is.

Who are you writing your blog for?

Is it for corporate hustlers wanting to move up the rungs of the corporate ladder?

What about travel bloggers who have a taste for the finer things in life?

Or maybe you’re writing for college students wanting to build wealth and start businesses of their own?

Your writing style will be determined by who you’re writing the blog for.

Let’s take these 3 examples above, for instance.

The corporate hustler? You’ll likely use more professional and formal language.

As for the luxury travel blogger? I can imagine an elegant yet fun tone of voice.

Finally, the college student? Probably something casual, informal, and friendly.

How to find a blogging tone you like

Figure Out Which Tone You Like

One of the best ways to figure out your blog post writing style is to read. A lot.

Read books, blogs, articles, etc. This will help you find a style that you enjoy reading. Notice their style choices – what do you gravitate towards?

Take note of the words they use, how they craft sentences, and if you’re reading blogs – notice how they format their blog posts.

Reading will help you understand how writers and bloggers craft their own unique style.

Another way to determine your tone is to ask your friends and family for 3 adjectives that best describe your personality.

Once you have that list, you can use it to decide how you’ll write and deliver information on your blog.

Here are some tones to consider:

  • Informative
  • Formal (think academic, scientific, technical, etc.)
  • Humorous or witty
  • Inspirational and positive
  • Friendly and casual
  • Curious and inquisitive
  • Pessimistic or optimistic

Experiment With Different Blog Post Writing Styles

Experimentation is a great way to figure out which blog post writing style best suits you, your personal brand, and your audience.

Play around with different tones and formatting. The more you write, the closer you’ll get to finding a style that you’re happy with.

Here are some things to consider when defining your blog post writing style:

  • Are you writing shorter or longer paragraphs?
  • How are you splitting up text with images?
  • Will you add a table of contents? If so, will it happen before or after the introductory paragraph?
  • Where in the blog post will you be placing your pins for Pinterest?

As mentioned before, knowing your audience will help you determine your blog post writing style.

So if your audience spends more time on their phone than their computer, they’re more likely to read your blog post on their phone.

In this case, you’ll want to format your blog post to provide the best reading experience on mobile devices.

How Your Writing Style Positions Your Brand in the Long Run

I know, I know… right now, you’re thinking, “I’m not a brand. I’m just a blogger.”

But one of the best parts of blogging is that it’s a strong foundation for a larger and more profitable creative business.

For example, the travel blog I started in 2016 has now evolved into my online business.

It’s also how Cyndi Ramirez, founder of Chillhouse, turn her blog into a self-care empire. (You can listen to her story here).

Similarly, many of my Online Course Bootcamp students happen to be influencers and creators before expanding and growing their online empires.

Believe it or not, the minute you launch a blog, you aim to make a memorable and long-lasting impression on your readers.

This means your writing style is responsible for conveying:

  • How your blog is recognized and perceived by your readers
  • Your values and the shared values between you and your readers
  • What you and your blog are all about
  • The direction and tone of your micro content (like social media posts)

Why Your Blog Post Writing Style Matters as a Blogger

In conclusion, your blog post writing style is your differentiating factor. It’s what makes you unique.

One of the most common fears that new Blogger Bootcamp students face is “Is the market too saturated? Why would someone read my blog when there’s a larger, more established blogger in the same niche?”

The answer to that? Establishing your own unique blog post writing style, and as a result — a strong personal brand.

Because while there may be thousands of travel, fashion, food, (insert niche here) bloggers…

There’s only one you. And your blog post writing style is your best bet to demonstrating your personality and magnetism to your target readers.

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