
I Took the #Olay28Day Challenge!

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Hi, my name’s Christina and … I’m a skincare fanatic.

For real.

The kind of skincare junkie that if she misses her moisturizer in the morning, her whole day feels completely off.

A little over the top maybe, but it is what it is. ?

Dramatics aside, all of this is to say that I’m a true believer that every girl should invest in her skin and practice self-care with a quality skincare routine.

So, I was really really excited when the awesome people over at Olay asked me to be part of the #Olay28Day challenge and share it with you ladies! Not only have I personally been using Olay products for the last few years now (and loving them), but the prospect of a ~~challenge~~ was super exciting to me.

The premise of the #Olay28Day is to use three Olay products morning and night for 28 days and track any changes/improvements to my skin along the way.

After taking a look at Olay’s line-up, I choose these three products:

Olay Daily Facials – Cloths that you wet and use on your face as a makeup remover, scrub, toner, mask and cleanser

Olay Total Effects 7-in-1 Moisturizer – A moisturizer that claims to fight 7 signs of aging (replenishes moisture, evens skin tone appearance, enhances brightness, visibly smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, minimizes the look of pores and restores firmness)

Olay Deep Hydrating Eye Gel – A cooling treatment for the eyes that hydrates and re-plumps the under-eye area

The morning of August 1st comes and I wake up ready & excited to try out my new skincare trio.

I clean with the Daily Facials, apply the Olay Total Effects Moisturizer and let the Hydrating Eye Gel soak in…

… And I do it morning and night for 28 days!

After completing the challenge, here is my conclusion:

I liked the Total Effects Moisturizer, but absolutely LOVED the way the Daily Facials and Moisturizing Eye Gel made my skin feel. The Facials completely cleansed my skin and removed all makeup (even the stubborn waterproof junk I wear ?), making my face feel incredibly refreshed. And the gel has an awesome cooling sensation. You can legitimately feel it working – slightly tingling and tightening around your eyes.

The most significant results I noticed were:

  • Less breakouts. This honestly surprised me because I thought that by introducing my face to a new routine, I’d for sure break out. But alas… I normally get 4-5 pimples per month, but this month I only had 1.
  • Reduced brown spots. Brown spots have always been an issue for me because of sun exposure, but I think the moisturizer really helped with this.
  • Less severe eye bags. Puffy under-eyes are another problem for me because I travel and work so much. Loved, loved, loved the eye gel for helping keep those bags at bay.

So much YES and a big THANK YOU to Olay.

For a look at my before & after, the low-down on my skin history and an honest review of the products I used, check out my video that documents the full 28 days:

It’s been such a fun month testing out and subsequently falling in love with new skincare products.

Are you a skincare fanatic like myself? Any Olay faves you can’t live without? Let me know in the comments!


(Disclaimer: This blog post is proudly sponsored by Olay. As always, all opinions are entirely my own).

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