
What You Should Do in the Morning to Have a Productive Day

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From money talk to mindset tips, these are my best tips for thriving as a fempreneur

Destination guides, hotel reviews, and travel tips to spark inspiration for your next adventure

(This post is sponsored by Alive! Multivitamins. As always, all opinions remain my own).

It’s funny how two years ago when I was just starting this travel blogging journey, the thing I craved most was to break out of the routine I was in. And now, after traveling pretty much constantly for the last year, all I want is just a little bit more predictability in my daily life!

Full-time travel is incredibly stressful and unpredictable, which is part of the reason I decided to move back to NYC into my own one-bedroom – to get more routine between travels.

I’ve been in my place for the last couple weeks and guys, it’s been NICE.

One of the best things I’ve done so far is solidify a morning routine.

Alive! Multivitamins asked me to share it with you and I’m so excited to because I truly believe that what you do when you wake up sets the tone for the rest of your day.

Here’s my morning routine that keeps me as healthy and productive as possible:

I wake up around 8:30 – 9:30 am.

I know, I know.

“I thought all entrepreneurs woke up at 5:30 am??”

Um… hi, no. Not me.

Despite my best efforts, I have accepted that I am just not a morning person, so waking up between 8:30 and 9:30 am is the perfect window for me to have the most productive day possible.

I love bed.

I do not open email or Instagram. 

When I wake up, I’ll roll over and grab my phone, but I will not (like never ever ever) check email or Instagram.

If I do, I’m pretty much immediately stressed or preoccupied with the day’s work ahead of me, which takes away from the precious morning time I have to myself. It helps that I have email and Instagram notifications turned off on my phone, so I’m not even tempted to click in to an app.

Side note: I’m currently working toward the goal of not even having my phone in my bedroom when I sleep. But … I’m not quite there yet ?

I take my vitamins.

Before I get too caught up in the rest of the day, I take my vitamins.

Right now, my favorite are the Nature’s Way Alive! Multivitamins. I have the Alive! Once Daily Ultra Potency tablets and the Premium Gummy vitamins, but unashamedly prefer the gummy kind! I have a massive sweet tooth, so eating 3 of these is almost like having a candy gummy, only it’s a gummy packed with healthy nutrients ??

Both the gummy vitamins and Once Daily pills are a complete multivitamin, meaning they both have the 16+ vitamins (like Vitamins A & C, B12, Iron and Calcium, etc.) that women need. What I also love about these vitamins are gluten and gelatin-free. I don’t eat meat and try to limit my intake of animal products, so this is perfect for me (and vegetarians!).

(For 15% off of your vitamin purchase, use code 15ALIVE1).

I pour myself a cup of coffee and journal.

I’m a notoriously cranky monster without my morning cup of coffee, so I have my coffee machine set to automatically brew at a certain time (usually 8:30 am). This is perfect for me because I can pretty much roll out of bed and inhale caffeine immediately ?

While I drink coffee at my counter, I journal.

I’ve been trying to get into this habit for the last two weeks (because apparently it’s the latest thing) and have to say guys, that the hype is REAL. Journaling is great.

I use the 5-Minute Journal because it helps me ground my thoughts and set my intentions for the day. You also have to write down what you’re grateful for, which I swear is a complete mind rewiring for people who struggle with a negative mindset.

I do my skincare/bathroom/getting ready routine while listening to a podcast.

After my coffee is finished, I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my skincare routine.

Skincare is extremely, extremely important to me as it’s one of my favorite self-care rituals and what I rely on to keep my skin breakout-free.

My routine every morning and night is ridiculously extensive (cleanser, toner, multiple serums, oils, moisturizers … and alternating masks 3x a week… let a girl live), so I won’t share all of that here… BUT I will share two of my favorite products I’m loving at the moment:

Origins’ Zero Oil Cleanser & Dr. Dennis Gross’ Retinol Serum

Depending on the morning and if I have a meeting and/or event, I’ll also do my hair and makeup.

While I’m doing all of this, I turn on a podcast.

I’m pretty sure that podcasts are the best 21st century invention and I am a huge proponent of everyone listening to an educational podcast once a day. They’re such an easy thing to turn on while you’re doing your morning routine (or driving, flying, cleaning your house, etc.) and you’ll get so much knowledge & inspiration out of them.

These are some of my current favorites:

  • RISE Podcast by Rachel Hollis
  • The Influencer Podcast by Julie Solomon
  • The Daily by The New York Times
  • Online Marketing Made Easy by Amy Porterfield
  • The Skinny Confidential ‘Him and Her’ by Lauryn Evarts

I head to a workout class (3-4 times a week) or meeting/event.

If I have a morning meeting or event, I’ll head to that.

But if I don’t, I try to get a work out in because some kind of physical activity always, always sets my day off on the right foot.

In terms of working out, I prefer going to group classes over the gym. I find the gym so incredibly boring and half the time I find myself just thinking, “Ok can I leave yet??”

Group workout classes are so much fun and everyone’s energy bounces off one another, making me work 10x harder.

Lately, I’ve been going to this incredible studio near me that has all kinds of classes – yoga (yin, vinyasa, hot, etc.), barre and pilates. Barre or pilates in the morning and yin yoga in the evenings is my recipe!

I have my morning smoothie.

I am normally not hungry until after my workout or meeting because I’m not a big breakfast person, so when I get back to my apartment, I’ll make my morning smoothie.

What I’m loving right now is a mix of frozen berries, spinach, dates, coconut yogurt, almond milk and peanut/almond butter. I also always add in collagen peptides, super seeds (hemp, flax and chia) and a teaspoon of spirulina. Sometimes I add a banana too if I have them at home!

This is the perfect morning smoothie because the berries and dates make it taste delicious and the collagen, seeds & spiralina make it super healthy. It’s also enough to keep me full for hours so I can concentrate on work!

If I’m not in the mood for a smoothie, I’ll usually have a bowl of coconut milk yogurt, berries and super seeds!

I get to work.

Finally, it’s time to open Instagram and emails, and take on my work for the day!

Tell me about your morning routine – how does it compare? Anything else you do that sets you up for an amazing day? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!


(Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Nature’s Way. As always, all opinions remain my own.)

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  1. Katie says:

    Hi! Thanks for Sharing ! I’m going to try your smoothie recipe! Also I wanted to ask where did you get your bed?? I love it.

    • Christina says:

      YAY! The smoothie is so yummy. My bedspread is a duvet from Crate & Barrel and I found my headboard on Wayfair! Those velvet pillows are from West Elm!

  2. Courtney says:

    I love the Influencer podcast! I’ll have to check out the other ones. My morning routine … is not well established yet (too lazy to deal with the coffee maker and limited time before I go to work at 7:00), but I usually wake up around 5:30 a.m. and watch photography tutorials… that’s pretty much it! I would love to start journaling – I have the five minute journal, but it literally has been sitting on the coffee table for ELEVEN MONTHS!

    My ideal morning routine would be to drink coffee, tune into the news, and work on my photography or IG… but I’m still learning, so I feel like I need to commit to photography and spend less time on IG for now 🙂 Have a great Thanksgiving!

    • Christina says:

      Oh wow, I need to get up earlier!! Go you for getting up at 5:30! You’re halfway on your way to a morning routine just having one solidified in your head xx

  3. Ty says:

    Your morning routine sounds like a dream! I usually wake up at 5:30AM on normal work days and I wake up at 4AM on personal training days. Between 6AM-7:30AM, I’m on the sofa sipping coffee and on IG. I feel most productive posting first thing in the AM and checking back in throughout the day (probably too much to be honest). I then go to the job I cannot stand. Repeat Tuesday-Friday! I know, not glamorous at all!

    I’m hoping to score a decent job + salary now that I finally have my MBA & continue being a part-time travel content creator!

    I’ll have to look into the 5 minute journal as well!! 🙂

  4. PriyaDiv says:

    your blog inspires me to be a travel blogger, I love traveling a lot and finally decided to resign my job and go for it.

  5. Christina you really do inspire so many including myself to be the best woman Entreprenuer I can possibly be.

  6. Chelsea Rose says:

    I loved reading this post Christina! Your smoothie sounds amazing – will have to try! And thanks for some new podcast ideas… I LOVE the Rise Podcast by Rachel Hollis! She got me in to blogging. Hope you’re having a great weekend!

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