
Navigating Life and Business During COVID-19

Navigating Life and Business During COVID-19

If you want to turn what you're most passionate about into an online business that gives you the freedom you've always dreamed of, I'm your girl. 


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I think we can all agree it’s a strange time right now with COVID-19. However, though the uncertainty in both business and our personal lives, I still think that there’s a lot we can do during this time to get in better touch with ourselves and to further our businesses.

We all have a lot of time on our hands right now. To help you make the most of it, I’m going to be talking a bit about some things that you can do both personally and in your business while you might be self-isolating or potentially even in quarantine due to COVID-19, depending on where you are.

I’ll also touch on how I believe this will realistically impact the influencer marketing/online work industry, and how you might responsibly leverage the opportunities suddenly available. If you are going to sell during these unique times, I’ll also give you some tips on how to be your true, authentic self to make sure you don’t deter your community by coming across as desperate and greedy.

How I predict COVID-19 may impact Influencer marketing and the online industry

Take my predictions with a grain of salt. The fact of the matter is, there is so much unpredictability when it comes to where Covid-19 is going, when it will slow down, the degree to which it is going to impact our economy, we just don’t know. There are so many factors that can affect how this industry will be impacted, but these are some of my thoughts:

Travel bloggers and influencers are going to struggle

There’s no way to sugar-coat this, those who rely on travel as their main income stream are going to struggle. It goes without saying that all press trips for influencers and in-person brand events are being canceled because of the risk that travel brings. If in a month from now things are not looking like they’re turning around, I’d suggest travel influencers consider thinking about dabbling into other niches.

Brand campaigns

I’ve seen with myself and other social media influencers that brands are putting pauses on campaigns. The reason those campaigns are being postponed is because there is a lot of uncertainty when it comes to the market, economy and the financial futures of businesses. Best case scenario, COVID-19 dwindles away, and we see campaigns return in the coming months. Worst case scenario, we see that the market takes a plunge, and corporations make tough decisions on where they spend their marketing dollars.

However, I do think that influencer marketing has something great things going for it right now, so tune in to the episode for my thoughts on why. I also think this will positively impact remote work, from companies seeing the value in it once this blows over, to an uptake in entrepreneurship, which leads me on to…

Ways we can use this time to improve ourselves on a personal level and prioritize self-care.

Our routines are disrupted, we won’t be able to spend as much time with our friends and families as normal and because of that, making time to take care of ourselves is so important. Here are some of my tips on how:


In the episode, I share a bunch of ways you can practice self-care, from taking a bubble bath, reading a book and treating your skin, meditation (I recommend the Calm app), Netflix nights and much more. 

Learn a new skill

A lot of us are freelancers and have more time on our hands, so this is a great opportunity and time to learn new skills. So, take an online course or read a non-fiction book, for example.

Dabble in some art

Find something that you don’t necessarily need to be good at, but clears your mind and allows you to focus on different projects. Such as watercolor (as I do), or drawing – something that really gets your hands and mind working in a creative way.


If you can get fresh air, definitely do that, as far as I know (take this with a grain of salt) taking a walk, away from other people, won’t put you at any harm. Getting that fresh air in your lungs whether that’s a walk or a run, will be really helpful for your mental health.

If you’re not able to get outside, there are definitely exercises that you can do inside as well. In the podcast I list a bunch of online resources for exercise routines and some amazing fitness influencers who are sharing helpful home workouts, so listen in for my recommendations.

Create a routine

If you’re not used to staying at home and working, I think it’s really easy to wake up, roll out of bed and head over to your computer. Establishing some sort of morning and evening routines you can stick to will really help you because it will bring some sense of normality to your life. 

I share a few examples in the podcast but this also includes getting dressed and doing your makeup. A lot of people are excited about being able to wear sweat pants all day, which I totally get, but when you do hit that wall of feeling ‘meh,’ I highly recommend dressing up a little to make yourself feel better. I find that when I get dressed in the morning and put makeup on, I just feel so much better about myself and therefore more productive.

How can I use this time to benefit my business?

When it comes to online business we have a tremendous opportunity right now. Sadly, the businesses we will see most affected through these times are those with physical storefronts and, of course, companies in the travel sector. I’ve seen a lot of people saying how seriously online businesses will be negatively impacted and yes, we will see sales and money from brand collaborations drop, but this is a great opportunity for those of you who have wanted to start an online business or blog.

It’s also good for those of us with online businesses to use this time to renovate, get ahead, create new income streams and use this time to take things to the next level. So when it comes to your blog or online business, what are the things that come to mind when you ask yourself what you’ve been putting off for months and months?

I’m sure you have 2-3 ideas come to mind immediately, I share some of my own lists to tackle in the podcast. I think with all this extra time on our hands it’s a great opportunity to do those things that probably wouldn’t be done if it wasn’t for what’s going on right now. 

Is this a good time to sell or create products?

During this Covid-19 crisis, people’s bullshit meters are lower than usual. Generally, the average person doesn’t want to see fake or inauthentic ads from influencers, but especially now, people do not want to be following someone who is ignoring the crisis, putting up inauthentic advertisements, or pushing sales of their online course or presets in a nongenuine way.

However, I do still think that, although not the best, it’s still a good time to be selling courses, and if you are, you need to do it in a really genuine way. Not in a way that is transparent in that you want to make money during this time.

If you haven’t developed one yet, this might also be a great time to think about creating an online course or a digital product if this is something you’ve had in mind to create for your audience for a while. I touch on the two options you have if you’re going to do this, as well as who and what type of courses may or may not work at this present time, but perhaps in the future. 

My main advice when it comes to selling any kind of product through COVID-19 is:

  • You need to think of lower price offers. For example, for any coaches, now might not be the right time to launch a program that costs $5-20,000 dollars, but instead to launch a membership or a product that’s under $100-200.
  • It’s important that you are coming from a place of service, and not a place of desperation or taking advantage. Make sure the product you’re selling is relevant and helpful to your audience right now and will actually add true value to somebody’s life
  • Ensure that the way you’re messaging the launch or sale is from a point of ‘here’s where this product can help you right now,’ very genuinely. Like I said before, people’s bullshit meters threshold when it comes to tacky online sales is a lot lower right now.

In the episode, I share a few more different possibilities of what you could work on to better your business. As well as advice on how to show up and serve your audience during this confusing time – I’ve seen a lot of influencers go into paralysis around stepping outside of their niches but your audience needs you. So be sure to listen in for the rest of my thoughts on navigating life and business through COVID-19, and stay safe and healthy.



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